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1. Not doing your research
Your interviewer may test your knowledge on the company you are applying for, lack of research or the inability to answer their questions will make you look unprofessional and not interested. Taking the time to research the company so you have a good understanding of the business will stand you in good stead.
2. Turning up late
Arriving late will instantly give a bad impression that will be difficult to overcome, if you are unavailable to attend the interview then ring and give your apologies as soon as possible. Do not make up a fantastical excuse as why you were late or unable to attend. Whilst some companies will be willing to reschedule others may not have the time or be willing to.
3. Not dressing professionally
First impressions count for everything and an interview is not the time to test out the latest fashion trends. Play it safe and dress smartly- a well-groomed look will make you appear professional and respectable.
4. Leaving your phone on
Whilst modern technology is ever present in our lives, leaving your phone on in an interview is a big fail. There will be nothing more annoying to an interviewer than to hear a phone chime with an email or text or for it to start ringing. Not only will it leave you red faced with embarrassment it will not endear you to your potential employer.
5. Being hungover
If an interview happens to fall on a day after a birthday or a big night out, then turning up hungover or worse still drunk will be an instant no.
6. Speaking negatively about a previous employer
Even if your last employer was a complete tyrant, speaking ill of them will not come across well to a prospective employer.
7. Lying on your CV
During an interview your interviewer may refer to your CV or ask you to discuss certain aspects of it, any fabrications will be easily spotted and will only damage your reputation.
8. Chewing gum
Trying to talk to someone whilst they chew on gum is disrespectful and rude. Not only is it distracting to the interviewer asking questions but it is distracting for the interviewee trying to answer.
9. Swearing
Using inappropriate language, swearing or using derogatory terms are generally frowned upon in the workplace so to accidentally or purposely swear in an interview is a big no no.
10. Yawning
Whilst you may have been up late fretting over your interview try not to show any tiredness. Yawing in an interview will make you look bored and not engaged in the conversation.
If you can avoid all 10 of these things you stand a good chance of creating a good impression and progressing further. If you require any advice when it comes to the interview stage then book an appointment with one of our recruiters and they will help you navigate through the tricky recruitment process.
Recruit Mint cover temporary, contract and permanent recruitment within a 60-mile radius of Peterborough, with a total of over 80 years’ experience within the recruitment industry, you can be safe in the knowledge that you are truly dealing with industry experts.
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