Peterborough: 01733 802300
01480 718333
This Grievance Policy aims to ensure employees that have any problems, complaints or concerns raised by employees of Recruit Mint Ltd (‘the Company’) are dealt with in a fair, timely, and consistent manner.
The following should be raised in line with this Grievance Policy:
Employees should, if possible, discuss the grievance or complaint with their manager on an informal basis in the first instance. The manager will then discuss the concerns with the employee and attempt to resolve the matter.
Where it is not possible to discuss the grievance or complaint with their manager, the employee should speak with another Director.
Where the informal procedure is used, both parties should keep a written record of the communication, what was discussed and the action proposed.
If the grievance has not been resolved, or cannot be resolved informally, the matter should then be dealt with using the Grievance Policy procedure.
The employee must send a written statement with details of the nature of the grievance to their manager. Where it is the appropriate manager as the subject of the Grievance, the employee should send the written statement to a manager of equal or greater seniority.
After receiving the written statement, the appropriate manager will arrange a formal meeting to discuss the grievance. This will be arranged without unreasonable delay and usually no longer than 5 working days of the date the grievance had been received.
The appropriate manager must have had a reasonable opportunity to consider a response to the grievance before the meeting is to take place.
The manager should gather the facts by collecting relevant documents and interview and produce statements from relevant people as soon as possible. Any requests to remain anonymous and confidentiality should be taken seriously.
If requested, the employee can be accompanied by a colleague, a certified union representative or an official employed by a trade union. This companion however, may not answer questions on the employee’s behalf.
If possible, the employee should explain how they think the grievance should be resolved. If a full investigation is required, the meeting should be adjourned to a later date before a decision is taken about how to deal with the employee’s grievance.
Following the meeting and investigation (where applicable), the appropriate manager shall create a written reflection of the intentions to be taken in order to resolve the grievance which has been decided from the meeting. Any action that is taken should be monitored and reviewed to ensure that the issue is dealt with effectively and efficiently.
The appropriate manager should also inform the employee of their right for an appeal if they are not satisfied with the final actions that have been decided.
If the employee believes that their grievance has not been resolved, they have the right to appeal.
This appeal must state the grounds for the appeal in writing and submitted to the appropriate manager within 5 working days of receiving confirmation as to the outcome of the grievance meeting.
Within a reasonable time from receiving the written request for an appeal, the appropriate manager will then arrange a meeting that will discuss the appeal. The employee will be informed of the time and place of this meeting.
The employee has the right to be accompanied at the appeal meeting where a new resolution can be discussed where appropriate. A written response from the appeal meeting will be communicated to the employee with 5 working days of the meeting with details of the outcome decided. The decision at this point of the process is final and the grievance procedure will be concluded.
All grievances will be handled to a high degree of confidentiality unless disclosure is actively agreed by the employee
Records of the grievance will be kept in the employee’s personal file in accordance with the Data Protection Legislation.
Copies of communication throughout the procedure will be kept and also given to the employee. The Company have the right to withhold any confidential information provided (eg supplied by a witness for protection).
All company property must be returned on the termination of your employment. Failure to return Company items will result in the monetary value of the items being deducted from any money outstanding to the employee.
Recruit Mint cover temporary, contract and permanent recruitment within a 60-mile radius of Peterborough, with a total of over 80 years’ experience within the recruitment industry, you can be safe in the knowledge that you are truly dealing with industry experts.
Recruit Mint | Registered in England 08091003 | Vat No.