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Management jobs are the next obvious step on the career ladder. However, is one right for you? How can you tell if you are ready for a management job and if you should apply for a vacancy you see advertised within your own company, or even within the industry?
You need to ask yourself three questions:
Think about your job role and the responsibilities you currently enjoy. Now ask yourself if you would still be able to do these things if you were in a management role? Being responsible for yourself is easy; you know how you can motivate yourself. But how would you motivate a team of people that are working for you? Think about the new responsibilities you would have in a management job and how these would work for you.
You need to have a strong understanding of the company goals and aims. This ensures that you are working to the same goals and your team are too. In a management job, it is expected that you will bring your own ideas to the table. By fully understanding the goals of the company you can then think about how you can be responsible for getting the company there.
Take the time to think about why you would be good in a leadership position, but also why you might not be good. What weaknesses do you have and what gaps do you need to fill? You can also look at improving on these weaknesses through training or mentoring perhaps, and then come back to management jobs when you think you are ready.
There will always be differences in management jobs; each organisation and industries will present a unique set of challenges and no one role will ever be the same. Perhaps you have tried this type of role in the past, but it just didn’t work for you? Remember, it may not have been you, it many been the wrong organisation or company culture.
You may see managers that you report to and you don’t like their style; so take a mental note of that. You need to find the leadership style that will work for you. You also need to be able to see the bigger picture of not just your role, but also how your role fits in within the organisation. You also need to make sure you can rely on yourself in times of pressure and need.
If you would like advice or guidance about applying for management jobs, how to boost your CV or interview help then please contact us directly. For all the best management jobs (if you want to look at going to a different company), speak to Recruit Mint – we always have a range of jobs in Peterborough available.
Recruit Mint cover temporary, contract and permanent recruitment within a 60-mile radius of Peterborough, with a total of over 80 years’ experience within the recruitment industry, you can be safe in the knowledge that you are truly dealing with industry experts.
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