Peterborough: 01733 802300
01480 718333
Before each assignment you will usually be issued with an individual timesheet which will be renewed on a weekly basis. Each week, simply follow any clocking in and out procedures required by the Client, enter the hours you work on the timesheet, have this signed by an authorised representative of the Client and return it to us by no later than 10am on the following Monday of the assignment week (unless prior arrangements are made).
Alternatively, you may be asked to use multi-timesheets, attendance sheets, swipe cards or some other method to record your start/break/finish times. In some cases you will also be asked to register your department and/or category of work. Full instructions will be provided by us. With these alternative methods your pay information is processed automatically so you don’t need to complete a separate timesheet.
Remember, it is your responsibility to follow the correct procedures and failure to do so may result in delay or error in processing your pay.
You will be told how many hours you are expected to work, before your assignment begins. Any changes MUST be agreed by us. The hours of work applicable to any assignment will be notified to you in advance of the assignment start date. In terms of the Working Time Regulations 1998 you are entitled to a break of 20 minutes if you work more than six hours on a continuous basis. If, while working with a Client, you are not provided with your statutory rest breaks, you should raise this immediately with us.
Always arrive for work BEFORE the time you are due to start, and call us if you are caught in traffic or held up for any reason. Punctuality is very important. On the first day of an assignment we recommend that you always allow for unexpected delays and aim to arrive in good time ready to commence work. If you anticipate being late at any time, contact us immediately.
If overtime is anticipated you will normally be told in advance. If you are asked to work any hours different to those notified at the start of the assignment, please tell us and we will confirm the arrangement and the rate of pay. Additional hours are not always paid at a higher rate.
Always call the branch if you are unable to attend work, for any reason. If you are absent from work for any reason you must inform us prior to your agreed start time on your first day of absence and on any subsequent days of absence. Absence for holidays, Jury Service, Military Service or other reasons should be agreed in advance with us who will advise you of the procedure to be followed.
You should try to ensure that, wherever possible, any medical or dental appointments are made outside your normal working hours.
Under the Working Time Regulations 1998 you qualify for paid holiday. Your holiday entitlement is 5.6 normal working weeks (28 days if your normal working week is 5 days) paid holiday in each holiday year. This includes public holidays. Your holiday year will be the 12 month period taken from the 1st day of your 1st assignment . If your employment begins or ends part way through the holiday year your holiday entitlement for that year will be assessed on a pro rata basis. You may only take paid holiday to the extent that you have accrued Page 2 of 15 it by your period of continuous work. If, on the termination of your employment, you have taken holidays in excess of the statutory holiday entitlement which has accrued to you at that time, you will be required to repay us the over payment.
Applications for holiday must be requested through us and authorised by the Client. If you wish to take paid holiday you must give two weeks written notice of the proposed holiday dates to us. We may refuse a request for specific holiday dates at any time up to two weeks before the first date to which the request relates. We may require you to take part or all of any unpaid holiday entitlement by giving you not less than two weeks notice.
All holidays must be taken in the holiday year in which they accrue and cannot be carried over to the next holiday year.
If you are sick for more than three consecutive days, subject to certain conditions, you may be entitled to Statutory Sick Pay. Details are contained in your terms of employment.
Your pay will go directly into your bank account. We know how important it is to be paid promptly so, provided the appropriate timesheet procedures have been completed and returned to us as instructed, you will be paid directly by credit transfer into your bank or building society account on the Friday following the week you worked. Full payment details will appear in your pay advice.
Your pay advice slip will be sent to you using the e-mail address you provided in your registration details or CV, unless you inform us that you wish to receive a paper copy.
E-mail payslips will be sent out on a Thursday each week. Printed payslips will be sent out each Friday via second class post to your registered home address. You must inform us of any changes to your postal or e-mail address.
A minimum of seven days is required to enable us to update your details.
We have to deduct tax and national insurance from your pay. We have a legal obligation to deduct PAYE and NIC from your pay. To avoid paying more tax than necessary or any delays in processing your pay, we must receive your P45, P46 or a P38s along with your National Insurance number before you start any assignment. If you do not pay PAYE and NIC in the usual way, special arrangements must be made through us.
Once you have supplied us with your tax documents, and started working, any queries relating to your tax code should be directed to:
Customer Operations Employer Office
Chillingham House
Benton Upon View
Newcastle Upon Tyne
NE98 1ZZ
Tel: 08457 143 143
Please quote reference no 120/GA77390 and also your Flexible Employee Reference number, which is on your pay advice slip.
Should you wish to resign from flexible employment with us, you must do this in writing, at which point, a P45 will be issued.
To help people save more for their retirement, the government requires employers to enrol their workers into a workplace pension scheme. This applies to those workers who are not already in one, and who earn over £10,000 a year (£192 Per Week) Are aged 22 or over; and are under State Pension age. We are enrolling these workers into our workplace pension scheme after 12 weeks Why is this Page 3 of 15 happening? The governments aim is to get more people to have another income, on top of the State Pension, when they come to retire. Employers are enrolling their workers automatically into a scheme to make it easier for people to start saving. How it will affect you? If on that date you are aged 22 or over, under State Pension age, work or usually work in the UK, and earn more than £10,000 a year (£192 Per Week): We will enrol you into our pension scheme, You do not have to do anything, it will happen automatically. You can choose to opt out of the scheme if you want to, but if you stay in you will have your own pension which you get when you retire. Recruitmint and you will pay into it every month; The government will also contribute through tax relief; Your pension belongs to you, even if you leave us in the future; You have the right to join the scheme before if you want to. You have the right to opt out of the pension scheme once you have been enrolled, this needs to be communicated directly to the pension provider, who will be in touch with you as soon as you are opted in. If you opt out within the first month, your contributions are refunded, after that, they are held in your name towards your pension. You can opt out at any time, and your money will not be lost. If on that date you are aged under 22 years, or over State Pension age (but under 75), or earn more than £113 Per Week but not more than £192 Per Week: We will not be automatically enrolling you into the pension scheme. This is because you do not meet the criteria set by the government (see first paragraph of this letter). However, you have the right to join the scheme if you want to. Both you and Recruitmint would pay into it. If on that date you are under 75 and earn £113 Per Week: We will not be automatically enrolling you into our workplace pension scheme. This is because you do not meet the criteria set by the government (see first paragraph of this letter). However, if you ask us to do so, we will enrol you into a pension scheme. In this instance We would not contribute to this pension as you do not earn over £113 per week. This is a government limit. You may have questions about workplace pensions and saving for your retirement. More information on pensions and saving for later life can be found on:
From Day 1 of your assignment to a Client you are entitled to access any collective facilities and amenities, such as a canteen and car parking, at the Client’s premises (subject to any criteria the Client imposes on its own employees). You are also entitled to information regarding any relevant vacant posts with the Client although this does not mean you have any automatic right to be appointed to a permanent job by the Client. After achieving a 12 week qualifying period you may be eligible for rights under the AWR with respect to parity of pay and terms with permanent employees of the Client. We will advise you of any change to your pay and conditions as a result of qualifying.
In order that we can ensure you receive your AWR rights you should tell us about any periods where you have been engaged by a Client through any other temporary employment business. If you fail to provide us with this information it may impact or delay the application of your AWR rights.
If you believe you have not been afforded your rights under AWR or have any concerns you should contact us immediately
You must be legally entitled to work in the UK.
You must confirm that you are legally entitled to work in the UK. If we discover that you do not have permission to live and work in the UK, or if your permission to do so is revoked or expired, we will be entitled to terminate your employment immediately without giving you any notice or paying you in lieu of notice. We can do so in those circumstances without giving you any warning in terms of the disciplinary procedure. If there are any changes to your visa or other permissions to work in the UK, you must inform us immediately.
If you wish to undertake outside employment then you must inform us in order to meet Working Time Regulation requirements. The work undertaken must not be in competition with the business of the Client, must not affect the performance of your duties and must not prevent you from being available to accept assignments.
If your details or circumstances change - tell us first.
To help us offer you the most suitable assignments, please inform us immediately of any change in your circumstances. This may be a new skill you have acquired, or perhaps a change of address, phone number, e-mail address, bank account, mobility or your availability for work. If seeking assignments requiring any license or permit, for example as a driver, you must inform us immediately of any changes to your license.
You must also tell us if there is a change to your health and fitness compared to the information provided by you at registration. If you become pregnant, you should inform us and we will provide you with a copy of the Maternity Policy.
If you are asked to do additional tasks - please let us know straight away.
While on an assignment, you must not carry out any job functions or tasks that are outside the scope of your assignment as notified to you. If, whilst working on an assignment, you are requested by the Client to carry out a task outside this scope, please contact us immediately.
Recruit Mint Flexible Employees are renowned for maintaining a high level of personal appearance and dress at all times. Presenting a professional image is very important. In particular, you should follow all instructions from the Client regarding uniforms, safety equipment and PPE, special grooming, appearance or conduct, specifically with reference to health, safety and hygiene. If you have any doubts as to what is expected, please ask us.
If dressed inappropriately you may be sent home and required to return suitably attired. In such circumstances, no payment will be made for time spent away from work. In circumstances where you consider that observing the dress code may contravene principles regarding discrimination, you should contact us in order to discuss the issue.
If you are looking for permanent employment you are in the ideal position as a Recruit Mint flexible employee. Not only do our Clients often offer permanent work to people who perform well, but you also have the ideal opportunity to try a job before you commit yourself. If you are offered a permanent job by any Client please let us know immediately.
Don’t forget - you’re representing Recruit Mint at all times. Please conduct yourself professionally at all times. Be polite and aim never to cause offence or misunderstanding. Remember that when on assignment you are our ambassador. Future Client assignments may depend on your conduct. It is not possible to provide a comprehensive list of rules as to how you should conduct yourself, but the following list outlines normal rules and practices to be followed:
If in doubt about any rules or practices, please ask us.
Flexible Employees are asked to respect Recruit Mint and Client property at all times and ensure the cost conscious use of telephones, stationery etc. Telephones, fax machines and internet/e-mail facilities, etc must not be used for personal use unless prior authorisation has been obtained from the Client. No personal files, messages or other information should be saved on Client computers. Misuse of Recruit Mint or Client resources may be treated as a disciplinary matter.
Please ensure that you comply with Client security measures at all times, including any instructions relating to the wearing of security badges or identity cards. You may be provided with items such as keys and access cards as are necessary to gain access to parts of the Client’s premises. These items remain the property of the Client and should be returned as requested or on termination of your assignment.
Please keep confidential information, valuables, equipment and materials adequately secured at all times.
You must never be in unauthorised possession of any property, including cash, belonging to the Client, your colleagues or Recruit Mint. Report suspicious incidents or loss of items immediately to us
Recruit Mint and the Client reserve the right to stop and search fully any Flexible Employee (or their vehicles), both prior to entry and before exit from the working location, using whatever reasonable means are at their disposal. Access may also be denied to the working location as part of the Stop and Search Policy. It is part of your terms of employment that, you must comply with a random stop and search request. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action and may lead to summary dismissal.
A search may be made of your office, desk, filing cabinet, car, bag or person.
The Smoke-free Regulations 2007 make it illegal to smoke in all enclosed or substantially enclosed public places and workplaces. You must adhere to the Client’s smoke free policy. Failure to do so may be treated as a disciplinary matter.
Recruit Mint regards drunkenness or disorderly conduct (including being under the influence of alcohol, unauthorised substances, misusing substances or misusing prescribed medication) whilst at work, on Recruit Mint or Client business or otherwise on Recruit Mint’s or a Client’s premises, as being gross misconduct for which you can be dismissed summarily.
Recruit Mint and the Client reserve the right to test any Flexible Employee both prior to entry and before exit from the working location, for the presence of alcohol or other substances in the body, using whatever reasonable means are at their disposal. Should alcohol, unlawful or misused substances be present the assignment will be immediately terminated and you may be summarily dismissed from your employment with Recruit Mint.
It is part of your terms of employment that, if you are asked to take part in a random alcohol or substance test this is complied with. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action which could lead to summary dismissal.
You should inform your Recruit Mint branch of any prescribed drug you are taking or course of treatment you are following which may have an impact upon your ability properly to perform your job (e.g. by making you drowsy or affecting concentration). It is your responsibility to ensure that your practitioner/pharmacist is aware of the requirements of your job. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are fully informed of the potential side effects of any drug/treatment recommended for you, and that any potential side effects are reported to us. Any misuse of prescribed medication may be considered gross misconduct for which you can be dismissed summarily. Recruit Mint regards the selling, purchasing, use or possession of any illegal substance whilst at work, on Recruit Mint or Client business or otherwise on Recruit Mint’s or a Client’s premises, as gross misconduct for which you may be summarily dismissed. Recruit Mint reserves the right to inform the police of any such behavior.
If, as a matter of convenience, you are provided with any tools or equipment by Recruit Mint or a Client for the purposes of an assignment, you shall be responsible for the security and condition of such tools or equipment. If any tools or equipment are damaged or lost whilst in your care, you will be responsible for the cost of any necessary repairs or replacement.
You will pay Recruit Mint the cost of repair or replacement where the tools/equipment belong to Recruit Mint. Or you will pay Recruit Mint an amount equivalent to any charge made to Recruit Mint by the Client where the tools/equipment belong to the Client. Recruit Mint may, if it wishes, obtain part or all of such payment by making deductions from pay due to you under the terms of your terms of employment. You may be required to wear personal protective equipment (PPE). If required PPE will be supplied free of charge and must be worn when necessary. Should you fail to return any PPE provided at the end of your assignment, in good condition allowing for fair wear and tear, the replacement cost may be deducted from any money owed. Should other work wear be provided, a deposit will be deducted from your pay. The deposit will be refunded to you upon your returning the items to Recruit Mint in good condition allowing for fair wear and tear, at the end of your assignment.
If you are classed as a night worker, you are entitled to request a health screening questionnaire from your us in order to identify any potential risks to your health of such work. If your health changes after you have filled out a questionnaire, you may ask for and fill out a further questionnaire. If you are in any doubt as to your status, you should ask us.
You will be personally liable for any fines or penalties incurred due to driving offences for which you are responsible, including parking fines for any reason, whilst using Client or company vehicles whether on public roads or private premises. Failure to pay any fines within the required timescale may lead to disciplinary action. Any fines or penalties that are levied via a Client or not paid by you within the required timescale, or are outstanding at the time you leave Recruit Mint may be subject to an administration charge. Both will be deducted from any monies due to you.
All accidents, no matter how small, must be reported in accordance with the Client’s accident reporting procedures and directly to us as soon as possible.
Should you be contacted by any section of the media in relation to your employment with Recruit Mint or any assignment through Recruit Mint, you will inform us immediately before making any response. In no circumstances should Recruit Mint or any Client’s name be identified in any statement, interview or other communication.
Recruit Mint is committed to the principle of equality in the workplace. The same applies to the way Recruit Mint’s recruitment services are offered to Clients and Flexible Employees.
Entry to and promotion within Recruit Mint are determined solely by the application of objective criteria and personal merit. No Flexible Employee of Recruit Mint will be treated less favourably than another on grounds of sex, marital status, sexual orientation, age, race, disability, colour, religion, ethnic or national origin or trade union involvement.
This statement has been drawn up to ensure that employees comply with all legal requirements and understand the main points of the relevant legislation, to prevent discrimination.
A copy of the full Equality Policy is available from us.
As part of its overall commitment to equal opportunities, Recruit Mint is fully committed to promoting a harmonious working environment. Every Flexible Employee has the right to be treated with respect and dignity, in an environment free from harassment, victimisation and bullying, whether it is related to disability, race, gender, health, social class, sexual preference, marital status, nationality, religion, employment status, age or membership or non-membership of a trade union. A copy of the Dignity at Work Policy is available from us.
We take malpractice seriously. You can obtain a copy of the Public Interest Disclosure Policy from us. Recruit Mint encourages Flexible Employees to raise genuine concerns about malpractice at the earliest practicable stage rather than wait for proof. Malpractice within the Company is taken very seriously.
In the first instance any concerns should be raised by contacting us.
A copy of the Maternity Policy is available from us. The Maternity Policy describes the rights of female Flexible Employees to a number of maternity benefits. The benefits include time off work for antenatal care, maternity leave and maternity pay.
A copy of the Adoption Policy is available from us. The Adoption Policy describes the rights of Flexible Employees to a number of benefits in respect of their adoption of a child.
A copy of the Paternity Policy is available from us. The Paternity Policy describes the rights of Flexible Employees to receive paternity leave and pay on either the birth or adoption of a child.
A copy of the Parental Leave Policy is available from us. The Parental Leave Policy describes the rights of Flexible Employees to take parental leave
A copy of the Recruit Mint Dependant Care Leave Policy is available from us
A copy of the Flexible Working Policy is available from us.
No dispute between any Flexible Employees shall be permitted to occur either on Recruit Mint or Client premises. Recruit Mint requires that each Flexible Employee will at all times work in harmony with work colleagues.
It is expected that Flexible Employees will maintain a good working relationship with colleagues at all times, complying with all procedures including the Dignity at Work and Equal Opportunities Policies. If you have a concern or complaint relating to your employment you should raise the matter under the Grievance Procedure.
Recruit Mint is committed to behaving fairly and consistently towards all Flexible Employees when investigating and dealing with alleged instances of unacceptable conduct or performance. To promote that purpose Recruit Mint has developed a procedure for disciplinary matters. It does not form part of any statement of terms of employment unless required to do so by law. Recruit Mint reserves the right to depart from the precise components of its disciplinary procedure where it is appropriate to do so. All cases of misconduct or poor performance must be dealt with in accordance with a fair procedure, the aims of the policy are:
In some instances Recruit Mint may consider that there is no need to take formal disciplinary action, and that it is sufficient to counsel you are unsatisfactory. Such counselling will still be documented in your personal records.
When disciplinary matters require a hearing to be held, whenever practicable you will be given reasonable notice and those concerned will be informed in advance of the matter(s) to be discussed. You will receive a letter inviting you to attend the disciplinary hearing. This letter will set out the matters to be discussed at the hearing and any alleged conduct which led to disciplinary action being taken. You will be notified of the possible consequences including where appropriate the risk of dismissal. You must take all reasonable steps to attend the meeting. If you cannot attend the hearing you should notify the appropriate Recruit Mint manager and an alternative time will be arranged. A failure to attend with no good reason may be treated as misconduct in itself. If you fail to attend without good reason, or are persistently unable to do so (for example for health reasons), we may have to take a decision based on the available evidence.
At the conclusion of each stage, you will be given a letter recording the outcome of the hearing and the means of appeal. No disciplinary sanction will be imposed on you until the case has been investigated. You may be suspended with pay pending the conclusion of the investigation and/or disciplinary procedure, without prejudice. You will not normally be dismissed for a first breach of discipline except in the case of gross misconduct. The penalty for gross misconduct may be dismissal without notice and without payment in lieu of notice. You will have the right to appeal against any disciplinary penalty imposed. An appropriate Recruit Mint manager will conduct the disciplinary hearing. The Recruit Mint manager will then make the decision on the level of disciplinary action to be taken.
A disciplinary penalty may be introduced depending on the seriousness of the offence. Any further incident of misconduct or underperformance which takes place within the lifetime of a previous warning is likely to result in a more serious penalty being imposed, even if the nature of the second offence is different from the previous one.
Recruit Mint has the right to determine what disciplinary action is appropriate based on the facts of each case. Not all available forms of discipline are appropriate to every disciplinary situation, and it is not required that Recruit Mint treat each form of discipline as a step in a series to be followed with an employee before termination. Recruit Mint's practice of employee discipline does not imply that “progressive” discipline is required. All cases of disciplinary action under this procedure will be recorded and placed in Recruit Mint’s records. A copy of Recruit Mint's relevant records will be supplied at your request.
The following procedural stages apply to offences other than gross misconduct:
If conduct or performance does not meet acceptable standards, you will normally be given a first written warning. Such a warning will set out the precise details of the offence, the length of time the warning will remain on file, the improvement in conduct or performance required and the time scale if applicable. It will also set out the likely consequences of further offences and what action will be considered if there is no satisfactory improvement. You will also be notified of the right of appeal. A letter informing you of the first written warning will be sent to you and kept on your personnel file at Recruit Mint.
If there is still a failure to improve conduct and/or performance and these remain unsatisfactory, or alternatively if the misconduct and/or performance are sufficiently serious to warrant only one final written warning (but insufficient to justify dismissal) then a final written warning will be issued to you. A final written warning can also be given for an accumulation of minor offences for which a first written warning may not have already been issued. The warning will, if appropriate, refer to any previous disciplinary action and will state the consequences of failure to improve as required and the length of time the warning will remain on file. You will also be notified of the right of appeal. A letter informing you of the final written warning will be sent to you and kept on your personnel file at Recruit Mint.
If conduct and/or performance remains unsatisfactory and you still fail to reach the prescribed standards then dismissal will normally result. This stage of the disciplinary procedure will normally be carried out by a Recruit Mint manager. The reason(s) for dismissal will be specified and communicated to you and where appropriate, reference will be made to any previous disciplinary action taken. The dismissal notice will indicate the effective date of termination of employment together with the right of appeal. Dismissal at this stage will normally be with notice or pay in lieu of notice. A letter informing you of the termination of employment will be sent to you and kept on your personnel file at Recruit Mint.
You will not normally be dismissed for a first offence except for instances of gross misconduct.
The following list provides examples of offences, which are normally regarded as gross misconduct. This list indicates the type of offences that constitute gross misconduct but is not exhaustive. An act of gross misconduct will normally warrant summary dismissal without the normal period of notice or payment in lieu of notice.
With reference to capability and performance, standards in terms of quality and quantity of work will be discussed and set down between you and the Client line manager. Incapability by you may be regarded as justification for dismissal without formal warnings.
If you have been given a formal warning or have been dismissed with or without notice you will be entitled to appeal where reasonably practicable to the next level of management. Appeals must be lodged with Recruit Mint within five working days of receipt of any formal warning or notice of dismissal. If you wish to lodge an appeal in writing, please do so with Aaron Bowes, Recruit Mint Ltd, 86 Culley Court, Orton Southgate, Peterborough PE2 6WA. Reasons for the appeal must be stated. Mere disagreement with the disciplinary action taken will not be considered as a suitable basis for an appeal. All appeals will be considered as quickly as possible. The decision made on appeal will be final and will be given to the Flexible Employee in writing within 10 days of the appeal hearing. Please note that this appeals procedure relates specifically to the outcome of a disciplinary hearing and must not be confused with the grievance procedure, which relates to concerns raised by you about your job.
Recruit Mint recognizes that from time to time Flexible Employees may wish to seek redress for grievances relating to their employment. Recruit Mint has a responsibility to ensure that any grievance that is raised is dealt with promptly. The aim of this grievance procedure is to provide a process by which a Flexible Employee may raise a grievance and where necessary to enable the aggrieved person to appeal to the second level of management. The ambition of the procedure is to settle any grievance or issue as near as possible to the point of origin. Recruit Mint's policy is to encourage free communication between Flexible Employees and their line managers/ Recruit Mint to ensure a speedy resolution to disputes. This procedure is applicable to all Recruit Mint Flexible Employees.
The grievance procedure does not form part of your terms of employment unless required to do so by law. Recruit Mint may adopt any procedure that it considers suitable to the circumstances. If you have a grievance about your employment/assignment you should discuss it informally with us. We hope that the majority of your concerns will be addressed at this point.
If the matter is not resolved to your satisfaction, you should put your grievance in writing to Aaron Bowes, Director at the following address: Recruit Mint Ltd, 86 Culley Court, Orton Southgate, Peterborough PE2 6WA or email to Your grievance should set out the nature of the complaint including any relevant facts, dates and names of individuals involved so that Page 10 of 15 we can investigate it. Aaron Bowes will invite you to attend a meeting to discuss your grievance. You must take all reasonable steps to attend the meeting. At any formal grievance hearing, you have the right to be accompanied by a Recruit Mint work colleague or Trade Union representative. If you cannot attend the hearing you should notify Aaron and an alternative time will be arranged. If you fail to attend without good reason, or are persistently unable to do so (for example for health reasons), we may have to take a decision based on the available evidence. Aaron will give his decision within 10 working days of the grievance being heard. Recruit Mint is committed to hearing and resolving all disputes as quickly as possible.
If the grievance involves a Client employee then the Client will be consulted as part of the procedure.
As a company, Recruit Mint has an excellent record of accident prevention and it is our aim to maintain this record by ensuring the health and safety of Flexible Employees, Clients, representatives and visitors. It is Recruit Mint's policy to make sure that health and safety provision is made for the Flexible Employees it supplies. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to obtain full support from every Flexible Employee and Client.
Recruit Mint undertakes to:
You have a duty to:
Clients have a duty to:
Recruit Mint Ltd commits to developing and adopting a proactive approach to tackling hidden labour exploitation.
Hidden labour exploitation is exploitation of job applicants and workers by third party individuals or gangs other than the employer or labour provider including rogue individuals working within these businesses but without the knowledge of management. It includes forced labour and human trafficking for labour exploitation; payment for work-finding services and work-related exploitation such as forced use of accommodation. It is understood that it is often well hidden by the perpetrators with victims, if they perceive of themselves as such, reluctant to come forward.
Recruit Mint Ltd, 17 Church Walk, Peterborough, PE1 2TP. All Recruit Mint clients and any 2nd tier labour providers used.
Aaron Bowes – Director – Overall responsibility
Recruit Mint shall:
4. Ensure that labour sourcing, recruitment and worker placement processes are under the control of trusted and competent staff members.
5. Adopt a proactive approach to reporting suspicions of hidden worker exploitation to the Gangmasters Labour Abuse Authority and Police.
6. Provide information on tackling “Hidden Labour Exploitation” to our workforce through a variety of formats such as workplace posters, worker leaflets, induction, Training, worker questionnaires and candidate interviews.
7. Encourage workers to report cases of hidden third-party labour exploitation, provide the means to do so and investigate and act on reports appropriately.
8. Positively encourage and support employees and agency workers to report such exploitation which may be occurring within their communities.
• Worker questionnaires
• Candidate interview questions
• Visible posters and other POS
• PDP’s for all recruiters
• Quarterly review meetings and updates
9. Require labour providers and other organisations in the labour supply chain to adopt policies and procedures consistent with the above.
Reporting accidents is really important. All accidents, no matter how small, must be reported to the designated Client representative and us. All accidents must be recorded in the Client’s Accident Record Book, maintained by the Client’s designated First Aider. If you have an accident, get first aid treatment immediately. The smallest cut, if neglected, could result in infection.
Learn the fire drill for every place you work - each one may be different.
You must ensure that you are fully conversant with and comply with the fire and other emergency procedures and take part in all drills as organised/notified by Recruit Mint and/or the Client.
You must ensure that you do not render any fire escape or fire escape routes at the site unavailable for emergency use, nor cause any obstruction at any time to any staircases, passages, walkways, entrances and exits or any other part of the site. If you require further guidance you should refer to us or the Client.
Make sure you know:
The 2 main risks from electricity are 1) Shocks and 2) Fires
The repair and maintenance of electrical appliances is a job for an expert.
Be careful when you constantly use computer screens. Regulations suggest that you take periodic breaks from the VDU. This does not mean that you have to stop work. The recommendation is that you take time out from using the screen every one to two hours. It is stressed that frequent short breaks are better than occasional longer ones. If as a result of regular use of display screen equipment you think you may need an eye test, you should contact us before taking any test. Recruit Mint will provide a voucher for the cost of an eye test and contribute towards the cost of glasses, provided they are required for use with display screen equipment. Recruit Mint's decision on whether you are a regular display screen user is final.
There’s a correct way to pick up heavy weights - be kind to your back. Manual handling regulations cover the tasks involving supporting or transporting loads by physical human effort. You should familiarise yourself with good handling techniques as hazards are not only presented by heavy loads. There is no particular maximum weight specified in the regulations, which recognise the fact that whilst weight is evidently a significant factor, there are other considerations of equal importance.
You should think about the following points if you have to do any lifting:
The 5 main types of danger from machines are:
To minimise risk:
To avoid accidents with hand tools follow the Basic safety rules:
Safety signs must comply with strict requirements on their shape and colour.
There are four types of safety signs
1. Information. White on Green background
2. Prohibition. Red on White background
3. Warning. Black on Yellow background
4. Mandatory. Blue on White background
Under C.O.S.H.H. all persons at work need to know the safety precautions to take in order not to endanger themselves or others through exposure to substances hazardous to health.
Below are four general classifications of risk.
You must know the appropriate symbols, their meaning and their safety precautions.
May cause serious health risk or even death if inhaled, ingested or if it penetrates the skin.
May on contact cause destruction of living tissue or burns.
May cause limit health risk if inhaled or ingested or if it penetrates the skin
May cause inflammation and irritation on immediate or repeated prolonged contact with the skin, or if inhaled.
If you have any doubts contact the Client.
Recruit Mint cover temporary, contract and permanent recruitment within a 60-mile radius of Peterborough, with a total of over 80 years’ experience within the recruitment industry, you can be safe in the knowledge that you are truly dealing with industry experts.
Recruit Mint | Registered in England 08091003 | Vat No.